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Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old knowledge of life developed in India (Ayus=life, Veda=knowledge/science). Ayurveda contains information about the universe and its origin. Man is a miniature model of the universe. According to Ayurveda, a person has the level of body, mind and soul. When all levels work together in a balanced way, a person is healthy. Health maintenance and treatment of diseases in Ayurveda takes place through herbs, diet, lifestyle guidelines, exercise and rest, as well as various massages and treatments.

According to Ayurveda, the universe, like man, is built from pure consciousness. Consciousness has manifested into five basic elements: space/ether, air, fire, water and earth. The lightest element space/ether was born first, followed by air. Air moves in its predecessor in the ether. Thirdly, fire has been born, which needs air for sustenance. After fire, water has been born, which is a life-sustaining element and brings nourishment. The last element is earth, which is the heaviest of the elements. These elements form the three doshas, or basic principles or body-mind types, which are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. A balance of doshas means health, and an imbalance means the risk of getting sick. All people have these three doshas in individual, varying degrees. Many of us have one dominant dosha. Some have two almost equally dominant doshas. A small percentage of people have all three doshas equally dominant.


Vata consists of ether and air. Vata is associated with the vital life force Prana and its characteristics are light, mobile, cold and dry. Vata people are often light-built, even underweight, and active in their lifestyle. Vata people long for change in life and want to move often, for example. Vata people's speech is fast and flighty, as is their walking style. They may suffer from cold hands and feet. The skin is dry and sometimes prone to rashes. When the Vata characteristic is in balance, it brings an empathic character trait, cheerfulness, clear perception and quick imagination. When Vata is out of balance, it causes fears, anxiety and nervousness, physical cramps and convulsions, even pneumonia, and nervous system problems, such as epilepsy.


Pitta is a combination of fire and water elements. Pitta is responsible for metabolism and heating our body. Pitta is hot, sharp, light, fluid and sour. Pitta people have a higher than normal body temperature and generally do not like hot climates. Pitta people have efficient digestion. They have a sharp and penetrating intellect; they love solving problems and getting to know things - Pitta people are often good leaders. Pitta people are of medium build and sweat a lot. For some, sweating causes a sour smell in the armpits or on the soles of the feet. When Pitta is in balance, it brings understanding and the ability to learn and the ability to "digest" things in the right way. When out of balance, Pitta causes fiery emotions, such as frustration, anger, criticality and jealousy, as well as physical diseases related to the element of fire, such as fever and burning in, for example, the stomach.



Kapha consists of water and earth elements. Kapha energy forms the structure of the body. Kapha provides strength, power and endurance. Kapha is heavy, slow, cold, moist, soft and sweet. Kapha people have large built bodies with strong muscles and heavy bones. Kapha people gain weight easily and find it difficult to lose weight. They have slow digestion and metabolism. This is why they are often round. Kapha people have soft skin that is often also oily. They like sweet food. When Kapha is in balance, it brings calmness, a soft nature, the ability to remember things for a long time, presence and patience. When kapha is out of balance, it causes attachment, greed, possessiveness, lust and laziness, as well as physical obesity, fluid retention and even diabetes.

Body Healing Saraswati Helsinki

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Saraswati Ayurvedic therapists Terry Thomas and Marjo Kettunen give lectures on Ayurveda in various private and group events. The length and subject areas of Ayurveda lectures can be customized individually. Popular topics include Ayurvedic herbs in cooking and learning about body-mind types, or doshas. The lectures often start with a section on the background and history of Ayurveda, as well as information on the use of Ayurveda in India today.


Subject areas of Ayurveda lectures:

  • Ayurvedic herbs in cooking

  • Ayurvedic medicinal herbs

  • Mapping of the body-mind type, or dosha (often participants in the lecture fill out a dosha questionnaire, which reveals each person's individual body-mind type)

  • The Five Elements of Ayurveda - Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth (how they manifest in humans and nature)

  • Lifestyle guidelines for work and leisure (nutrition, exercise, colors, mental images)


The purpose of the lectures is to open the easily accessible and logical world of Ayurveda to the listeners. Ayurveda's instructions are simple and practical when you get to know them layer by layer. Everyone can get more well-being and balance in life with the help of Ayurveda. You get a new perspective on everyday things and familiar foods.

Terry and Marjo's Ayurveda lectures are warm and approachable to the listeners. You get the best help from Ayurveda lectures when the lectures are thought-provoking and emotional. Terry's Ayurveda lectures are also humorous and stimulating, without forgetting strong professionalism. 

Terry's Ayurveda lectures are in English. Marjo's Ayurveda lectures are either in Finnish or English.

Thomas Saraswati the Fox
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